Monday, February 23, 2009

It's Officially Arrived

Morning sickness that is. I apologize in advance if from here on out I complain a lot about how I feel. :P I'm kind of a big baby that way. On the plus side...they say MS is a sign of a healthy pregnancy!!!


Shannon Ryan said...

OH GOOD!! I always like MS.. it's a good sign of things that I can't see going well. :) Makes me feel good and pregnant! I hope it doesn't get as bad as Kierans.

Mama Feline said...

Just keep a stock of ginger biscuits in case it gets really bad :)

mishalee said...

I've been taking 'Morning Sickness Magic''s got ginger, folic acid and B vitamins. Seems to help and at least I can keep it down, not so much with the pre-natals, gag!
Good luck!

Julie said...

I was a big complainer, too. If I'm going to carry the baby, everyone else has to hear about it. :) Congratulations to you. I love your blog.

Melissa said...

Thanks everyone!

I'll have to look into that Morning Sickness Magic ;)