Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Best Friend Mommy

Kieran has recently started calling me his best friend, Mommy. It's so super cute! I don't know where he learned it. If Josh wants to take him to the store without me he'll run to me and say "I want to stay with my best friend Mommy!" or yesterday when he was having pictures taken, he asked the photographer "please, I see my best friend Mommy?". I just love it! He also says please before almost everything. This kid has great manners...saying please, thank you and your welcome. He must have just picked it up from hearing us, as I've never told him he HAD to say them. LOL!


TLF said...

AWW..he's too adorable!

Anonymous said...

Awwww!! So cute!! Glad your feeling better also!

Leah said...

Awww....so so so so soooooo sweet. That made my day to read. :)

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Gwen always says, mommy you're my beeessst friend! Melts the heart, I tell ya!!

Tabitha W. said...

oh my goodness! that's just pure preciousness right there!!

Unknown said...

That is the sweetest thing ever!

Anonymous said...

i love little kids. it seems like you're teaching him well.

you'll have to post the pictures on your blog. i bet he looks adorable.

ChocolateCoveredVegan said...

What a perfect angel! He could teach my wild little cousin so much...