Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sick Baby

Well, we weren't able to go to Tree City Diaper's yesterday. Kieran woke up the night before last puking and with a fever. He was sick all day yesterday with diarrhea too. My poor baby. Being a Mom... you just wish you could take the sickness away and make it all better. Thankfully he seems to be feeling much better today!
I'm just so glad I'm still breastfeeding. It's so much easier to comfort him...not to mention keep him hydrated and nourished when he wouldn't eat. I just hope Nevin doesn't catch this.

I think I'll just order his play food on the website. I know, not as much fun, but it's just easier that way. Otherwise we'll have to wait until next Saturday and we are busy that day.


Tabitha W. said...

poor little guy! must be something in the air...alex spiked a mysterious fever the other day. i think i feel worse when the little ones are sick :(

Kristina said...

I hope he feels better soon and Nevin doesn't get it. The stomach bug is horrible!

BePe Baby said...

That really stinks! Poor guy. Hope he is over that soon. By the way good for you momma for still breast feeding. I failed after 3 months LOL

Unknown said...

Poor baby! I hope he's feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Aww... So sorry!! Hope he continues to feel better and everyone else doesn't get it. Maybe you could sneak some b-milk in to your older guy's cupcakes... You could call them Immunity cupcakes.. hee hee.. Just kidding!

Melissa said...

Oh I've been tempted to sneak N some when he was sick before LOL!
Thanks everyone. He's all better now! :)