Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I'm sorry. I've been the worst blogger!

Well, I had my ultrasound on Monday and everything looks good. Based on the u/s my due date is Oct. 16th...I had said Oct. 17th. We decided to find out the sex of the baby's a GIRL!!!!. We are over the moon! I was really hoping for a girl since this is going to be our last baby. I'm so excited1 I can't wait to start shopping ;).

I had my appointment with my midwife last night. I mentioned how ridiculously tired I've been. Way more than even my 1st trimester. It hits me everyday around 3 or 4 like a ton of bricks. I get to where I feel like I'm just going to pass out, dizzy, nauseous it's not fun. Well, she took my blood pressure and thought it was way too low, so she tried the other arm and it was low too. Which is weird because I've never had problems with my BP. So we talked a bit about what might be causing it and it turns out I'm not getting enough fluids. I knew I wasn't getting enough. I have a weak bladder and with being pregnant it's even worse, so I avoid drinking a lot. So this explains the tiredness and all as well as my braxton hicks(which I forgot to mention to her). So I need to up my fluid intake and just deal with the many potty breaks. I'm so you all wanted to know about my weak bladder..haha!

Well, without further of our beautiful girl!!!

Her cute little legs!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cute Sayings Of A Two Year Old

I'm sure I won't remember everything, but I just wanted to jot down some cute things before I forget.

We've recently discovered that Kieran calls lines(as in standing in line) "Lions"...No Mama, I don't want to stand in a Lion!"...hehe. It's adorable.

This morning before our walk, I asked him if he wanted to take his toast with us and he said "No, I don't want a picnic!".

Later on I asked him if he would throw something away for me and he looked at me through the corner of his eye and said "Whatever" and walked away. A smart mouth already? Hehe.

He also calls me "Sweetie" from time to that from Josh.

There are just soooo any funny things that he says on a daily basis. I need to start writing them all down. I think most of it you'd have to hear for yourself as it's got a lot to do with the tone of his voice and expressions.

I just remembered another one. He likes to talk to the cats and asks them questions. Today he was asking Willy if he wanted to come with us. While waiting for an answer I explained that Willy doesn't talk like we do. So he said "Yes he does. Willy meows to talk...he talks with meows". Hehe! He's right. What a smart boy!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I've Been A Bad Blogger

Sorry I've been MIA. With being sleepy and dealing with morning sickness I haven't felt much like blogging. Plus I usually blogged while Kieran took a nap or after everyone was sleeping, but I have been napping with Kieran and not able to stay awake at night and just fall asleep while putting Kieran down. I'll try to be better! There are so many things I've wanted to blog about and pictures I've wanted to post over the last few weeks, but I'll just start fresh.

1st of all I am now 16 weeks pregnant! Time sure is flying.
Here is a recent belly pic that my hubby took on Saturday.

It's kinda funny, but I think I looked bigger at 11 weeks! What do you think?

My friend Shannon came over today with her little girl and we had a great day. The weather was beautiful and we ended up going for a walk to the park. I also got to hear my babes heartbeat, since Shannon brought her doppler over. I love hearing it. It really puts my mind at ease. :)