Sunday, February 8, 2009

October 17th Is A Vey Special Day

Wanna know why?? Because it's my expected due date!!! That's right...we are pregnant with #3!!!! We are over the moon thrilled. We had just stared TTC and are in shock that it happened so fast! :)
I have some cute stories to share about how the boys reacted to the news, but I'll have to share later...I'm NAK'ing at the moment.


TLF said...


Shannon Ryan said...

YAAY!! Congrats! I look forward to meeting your sweet daughter! :) hehe
ps. you're as bad as me with the early announcements! hahaa

Nadia said...


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! My jaw hit the floor when I read this!! Congrats!!!

Leah said...

yay!!! Congrats Melissa & family!!

Erin said...

I'm so happy for you and your family!! I will never forget that wonderful butterfly feeling you get when you first find out! :) Congratulations!

Jenn said...

Yay! Congrats, Melissa!

veganbaby said...


Anonymous said...

Awww....Congrats i'm so happy for you know the sex yet? If you need anything for a little girl...I have enough baby clothes and blankets to last 3 months. I even have a 5-point graco infant car seat if you need it...omg...i'm so excited!!!! Tell nevin and kieran hi!!

The Little Mama said...

How exciting! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Congrats!!! So happy for you!! The boys stories will be fun to read about for sure!

mishalee said...

wow, congrats. i'm a total lurker here, but had to say yay for you. we just found out we're prego too with a 10-9-09 due date. woohoo! can't wait to see whaat natural prego stuff you do!

Tabitha W. said...

yay!!! congrats mama!! and i agree, oct 17th is a special day, it's my wedding anniversary :)

Melissa said...

Thanks so much everyone!! :D